Wang Qinhua: To improve the early warning system for industry injury and the investigation and evaluation systems for industry competitiveness
Source:China Automotive Information Net   2014-04-28 17:03:49

Wang Qinhua, Director General of the Bureau of Industry Injury Investigation, the Ministry of Commerce said:

The general guidelines for industry injury investigation and maintaining industrial safety during the 11th Five Year Plan period include,
-Giving full use of relief measures for trade and other international standard rules to boost the further development of the industry and protect it;
- Continuously improving the early warning system for industry injury and the investigation and evaluation systems for industry competitiveness; and giving full play of its role to serve and guide the industry and manufacturers;
-Establishing and implementing the countermeasures during the transition period after China's entry into WTO;
-Guiding the administrations, industry organizations and manufactures to jointly maintain the safety of home industries.

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